Elections Nova Scotia

Who Can Vote?

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Who Can Vote?

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Why do we have a List of Electors?

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Why do we have a List of Electors?

If you are a Canadian citizen 18 years or older and have lived in Nova Scotia for 6 months or more on the day the writ was issued (since October 30, 2016), then you are a qualified elector and are entitled to one vote. The List of Electors helps us prepare statistics on how many eligible Nova Scotians are voting in each election. The list simplifies and streamlines the process for voters at polls, while ensuring votes are being fairly cast.

How can I check if I am on the List of Electors?

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It’s Easy to Vote in the Nova Scotia Provincial General Election

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It’s Easy to Vote in the Nova Scotia Provincial General Election

Many people will vote on election day from 8am to 8pm at their assigned polling station but that is not the only way to cast a ballot. Easily vote before election day at any returning office across Nova Scotia from 9am to 6pm every day except Sunday or at advanced polls open from Saturday May 20th to Saturday May 27th (closed Sunday) on the week immediately before election day from 9am to 6pm and until 8pm on Thursday May 25th and Friday May 26th.

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Can I Vote if I am Travelling?

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Can I Vote if I am Travelling?


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Voting as a New Canadian

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Voting as a New Canadian

First, let us congratulate you on choosing to become a citizen of our country. We hope you will be part of the history of Nova Scotia by choosing to vote in our 40th general election this month. Your voice counts! In order to vote in Nova Scotia, you must be:

•       18 years of age or older on election day, i.e., born before May 30, 1999

•       A Canadian citizen

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How can I become a Candidate?

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How can I become a Candidate?


Candidate nominations are coming in more quickly than 2013. By this time in 2013, sixty-six candidates had completed nominations papers. Already 101 have submitted their nomination papers so far. A total of 176 candidates ran in the 2013 general election.

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Condos and Apartments Must Provide Access to Candidates

Condos and Apartments Must Provide Access to Candidates

Elections Nova Scotia reminds administrators of condominiums that enumerators and candidates must be given access to the building. It is an offence under the Elections Act to impede a candidate campaigning or enumerator gathering information for the Register of Electors.

Release date: 
May 4, 2017
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Condos and Apartments Must Provide Access to Candidates

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Condos and Apartments Must Provide Access to Candidates

Elections Nova Scotia reminds administrators of condominiums that enumerators and candidates must be given access to the building. It is an offence under the Elections Act to impede a candidate campaigning or enumerator gathering information for the Register of Electors.

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How can I become an election worker in this election?

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How can I become an election worker in this election?

Thanks for wanting to be a part of the democratic process!

Did you know that only 18 people work at Elections Nova Scotia outside of an election period? When a provincial general election is called, all the pre-election work done by this group needs to be implemented. Everything swings into high gear and the ranks of election workers swell to about 6,000?

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Returning Offices Open by Wednesday

Returning Offices Open by Wednesday

For Immediate Release

May 1, 2017

Release date: 
May 1, 2017
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