Elections Nova Scotia

Halifax Needham By-election August 2016, Volume 1 Report Tabled

The Report of the Chief Electoral Officer on the Proceedings of the Halifax Needham By- Election August 30, 2016 Volume I: Statement of Votes and Statistics was tabled in the
House of Assembly last evening. In addition to the report documenting the results and
analysis of voting opportunities and elector participation, the Chief Electoral Officer presents
two recommendations. Volume II: Statement of Financial information & Statistics will be
released once the candidate and party filings have been reviewed.

Release date: 
February 15, 2017
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Update - Ninth Compliance Agreement in Municipality of the County of Richmond

Release date: 
February 1, 2017
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Report Released on the Investigation into Breaches of the Elections Act in the Municipality of the County of Richmond

Release date: 
January 27, 2017
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Amnesty Period

Report Breaches of the Elections Act during Amnesty Period - Offer Ends March 31, 2017
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Effective immediately, ENS is launching an amnesty period to individuals, corporations, unions and municipalities that come forward and report similar instances to the breaches of the Elections Act as described in the Report into the Investigation of the Municipality of the County of Richmond.

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Annual Report of the Chief Electoral Officer 2015-2016 Tabled

Elections Nova Scotia continues to deliver on its role as an independent, non-partisan agency responsible for conducting provincial elections and by-elections. Elections Nova Scotia’s Annual Report of the Chief Electoral Officer 2015-2016, tabled today in the House of Assembly, outlines progress on goals of the agency, and includes two recommendations; a call for legislation around political party leadership contests, and for clarity of the rules on government advertising during election periods.

Release date: 
October 14, 2016
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Reminder about Municipal Elections

Elections Nova Scotia – This is a reminder that Municipal Affairs and not Elections Nova Scotia is responsible for conducting school board and municipal elections which are being held this Saturday October 15, 2016.

Elections Nova Scotia is the independent, non-partisan agency responsible for conducting provincial elections in Nova Scotia.

Release date: 
October 11, 2016
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