Elections Nova Scotia

Electoral Boundaries Commission

The electoral boundaries of Nova Scotia are reviewed at least every ten years by an independent Electoral Boundaries Commission.

2019 Electoral Boundaries Commission

In April 2019, the Electoral Boundaries Commission, chaired by Dr. Colin Dodds, released its final report entitled, Balancing Effective Representation with Voter Parity. This report recommended increasing the number of electoral districts from 51 to 55. The report was accepted and the new electoral boundaries were passed into legislation by the House of Assembly in the fall of 2019.

Information related to the select committee’s report can be found at https://nslegislature.ca/legislative-business/committees/select/select-committee-establishing-electoral-boundaries-commission-2018.

The new 55 district boundaries came into force for the 41st provincial general election held on August 17, 2021.

Electoral Boundaries Commission Maps

The maps on this page represent the work of the Boundaries Commission in 2019 and the 55 districts they recommended. These maps are available in PDF, Shapefile, or KML formats.

Interactive Maps

The following Interactive web maps provide details about the 55 electoral boundaries as recommended by the Boundaries Commission and compare them to the 51 electoral district boundaries defined in 2012.

Individual Electoral District Maps

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