Elections Nova Scotia

COVID-19 Precautions for the 41st Provincial General Election

Elections Nova Scotia is committed to delivering a safe, fair, and inclusive election. Strict COVID-19 protocols are in place at all voting locations for the 41st Provincial General Election.
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COVID Precautions for the 41st Provincial General Election

Elections Nova Scotia worked with Public Health to determine the infection control precautions needed to ensure the safety and confidence of voters, election workers, candidates, and their campaign teams during the 41st Provincial General Election.

Please click here to view Elections Nova Scotia’s plan for COVID precautions at in-person voting locations that was reviewed by Public Health.

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Third Election Readiness Update Report Released

Election Readiness Update Report   


Media Release: April 29, 2021

Release date: 
April 29, 2021
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Transposition of Votes Report

Transposition of Votes from the 2017 Provincial General Election to 2019 Electoral District Boundaries 


Media Release: Friday, April 9, 2021

Release date: 
April 9, 2021
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Transposition of Votes Report

When new electoral boundaries are enacted, Elections Nova Scotia prepares a report to illustrate the transposition of votes from the previous provincial general election based on the new electoral boundaries.
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In the fall of 2019, the House of Assembly legislated 55 electoral district boundaries as recommended by the Electoral Boundaries Commission. These new district boundaries will be used for the 41st provincial general election in Nova Scotia when it is called.

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Assistant Chief Electoral Officer Retirement Announcement

Assistant Chief Electoral Officer Retirement Announcement 


Media Release: Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Release date: 
February 2, 2021
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2021-2022 Budget Estimates

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Elections Nova Scotia Presents 2021-2022 Budget Estimate to the Special Committee of the House of Assembly

Elections Nova Scotia Presents 2021-2022 Budget Estimate to the Special Committee of the House of Assembly 


Media Release: January 13, 2021

Release date: 
January 13, 2021
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Election Readiness Update Reports

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Election Readiness Update Report Released

Election Readiness Update Report   


Media Release: January 7, 2021

Release date: 
January 7, 2021
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Elections Nova Scotia Annual Report 2019-2020

Elections Nova Scotia Annual Report 2019-2020 


Media Release: Thursday, October 1, 2020

Release date: 
October 1, 2020
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