Elections Nova Scotia

Elections Nova Scotia Annual Report 2023-2024

Release date: 
August 26, 2024

Elections Nova Scotia Annual Report 2023-2024

Media Release: Monday, August 26, 2024

Elections Nova Scotia – Elections Nova Scotia’s (ENS) Annual Report for the 2023–2024 fiscal year is now posted on the ENS website at electionsnovascotia.ca.

The 2023-2024 fiscal year activity focused on ENS’s strategic plan and the delivery of one by-election. Over the twelve-month period, ENS worked steadily on election readiness programs planned for the 42nd provincial general election, scheduled for July 15, 2025. The ability to plan for a fixed date election has allowed us to optimize logistics, voter education and awareness, and outreach to traditionally underserved communities in more strategic ways.

The annual report also includes independently audited financial statements.

Click here to view the Annual Report in English.

Click here to view the Annual Report in French.

Elections Nova Scotia is a non-partisan and independent agency responsible for conducting provincial elections.

Media Contact:

Naomi Shelton
Director, Policy and Communications
Elections Nova Scotia

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