Elections Nova Scotia

Reminder Elections Nova Scotia has Moved

Release date: 
July 16, 2021

Reminder Elections Nova Scotia has Moved 


Media Release: July 16, 2021

Elections Nova Scotia – Elections Nova Scotia’s head office and warehouse moved in November 2019. Our new address is:

202 Brownlow Avenue, Suite 505 Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, B3B 1T5

Our mailing address remains the same:
PO Box 2246
Halifax, NS.
B3J 3C8

We can be contacted by telephone at:
1-800-565-1504 (Toll free)
902-424-7475 (TTY)
1-866-774-7074 (Toll Free TTY)

Elections Nova Scotia has COVID-19 precautions in place to keep our office safe. Visitors are asked to please wear a non-medical mask, practice physical distancing, and do not enter the building if they have symptoms. We appreciate your cooperation and consideration to keep our office safe.

Nova Scotia is the only province in Canada without a fixed election date. Given that the 40th provincial general election was held on May 30, 2017, the spring of 2022 is the latest possible time the 41st provincial general election could occur.

Elections Nova Scotia is a non-partisan and independent agency responsible for conducting provincial elections. For more information, please visit electionsnovascotia.ca, call 1-800-565-1504, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter @electionsns.



Contact:        Naomi Shelton 
                    Director, Policy and Communications 
                    Elections Nova Scotia 
                    902-424-3275 or 902-223-4871



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