Elections Nova Scotia

Vote by Write-in Ballot

Did you know that any eligible voter in Nova Scotia may request to vote by write-in ballot?

All eligible voters can apply to vote using a write-in ballot. Voting by write-in ballot is safe and easy!

What you need to know about voting by Write-in Ballot

  • You must be an eligible voter in Nova Scotia - 18 years or older as of election day, a Canadian citizen, and have lived in Nova Scotia for at least six months before the day the election was called (April 27, 2024).
  • You must first apply in order to vote by write-in ballot. Please see application information below.
  • Once your application has been processed by Elections Nova Scotia, you will receive your write-in ballot kit with instructions on how to fill it out and return it.
  • Once your kit has been issued, you must vote by write-in ballot, instead of at an in-person voting location.
  • If you need assistance applying for a write-in ballot, you can contact your local returning office.
  • You can also make an appointment through your local returning office for a write-in ballot team to visit you at home to help you vote.
  • You do not have to send your completed write-in ballot back via mail, you can also return it in person to a returning office or have a trusted friend or family member act as your agent to help you apply for a write-in ballot and return your completed write-in ballot.
  • When you receive your write-in ballot kit it will include important information about how to fill it out, how to return it, and how to get assistance if you need it.

Write-in Ballot Application Information and Deadlines

There are many different ways you can apply to vote by write-in ballot during an election. These include: by mail, email, fax, in-person, or by agent.

Due to the current postal strike, we recommend voters do not mail their write-in ballot applications and choose one of the many other ways to apply.


It is important for voters to understand the deadlines to apply for a write-in ballot and when and how to return their completed write-in ballot kit so that it can be counted on election night.

The deadline to apply for your write-in ballot depends on your application method and where you are voting from. See below for write-in ballot application deadlines:

  • The deadline to apply by mail for a write-in ballot is 10 days before election day, at 6pm.
  • The deadline to apply for a write-in ballot in person (or by agent) if you are voting from outside your electoral district is the Saturday before election day, at 6pm.
  • The deadline to apply for a write-in ballot in person (or by agent) if you are voting from within your electoral district is election day, at 3pm.

All write-in ballots must be returned by 8 pm on election day. Voters are asked to please allow adequate time so their write-in ballot can be returned.

Click here for a write-in ballot application in English .

Click you for a write-in ballot application in French.

Completed write-in ballot applications can be emailed to: elections@novascotia.ca.

Have an Agent Assist You

You can have a trusted friend or family member who is 18 years or older act as your agent. Your agent can assist you in applying for your write-in ballot and can help to return it for you. To find out more about a write-in ballot agent, please call the returning office in your electoral district, once an election has been called.

Have a Write-in Ballot Team Visit Your Home

You can also make an appointment through your local returning office for a write-in ballot team to visit you at home to help you vote. Write-in ballot visits are conducted every day except Sunday during hours that the returning office is open.

Completing Your Write-in Ballot

Click here for information to help you complete your write-in ballot kit once it is sent to you.

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