Elections Nova Scotia

Political Contributions Regime Annual Report for 2016

Release date: 
June 30, 2017

Political Contributions Regime Annual Report for 2016

June 30, 2017

The Political Contributions Regime Annual Report for 2016 has now been released and is available online at electionsnovascotia.ca. The publication contains disclosure statements filed by the registered political parties, registered candidates and their electoral district associations for the 2016 calendar year. Each disclosure statement is linked from the Annual Report to PDF and Excel files which may be downloaded from the Elections Nova Scotia website. The law requires that statements disclose the names and community of everyone who contributed $200 or more during the 2016 calendar year. Included in the report are annual reports of the registered parties summarizing official income tax receipts issued for 2016.

Elections Nova Scotia provides training and informational support to official agents of candidates and registered parties including financial support to electoral district associations.

The report is available in the Electoral Finance Reports section of the Elections Nova Scotia website.


Media Contact:         Andy LeBlanc
                                 Director, Policy & Communications

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