Elections Nova Scotia

Jobs with Elections Nova Scotia

Working during a Provincial election

Listed below are the positions that may be available during a provincial election.

Please note, most election positions require you to be an eligible voter (18 years or older, a Canadian citizen, and reside in the province for 6 months). However, the Information Officer position is available for youth ages 16-18 or non-citizens who are eligible to work in Canada.

Enumerators work with a partner to carry out enumeration. Enumeration is the process of updating the List of Electors for the election. Enumerators go door to door to collect registration information for all individuals eligible to vote living at each civic address. The number of hours worked by each pair of enumerators is dependent on the area and the number of houses to be visited that are required to visit

Write-in-Ballot Coordinator
The write-in ballot coordinator organizes efforts to provide voting opportunities to electors who may not be able to vote at a polling location for a number of reasons. The WIB Coordinator works with an Assistant WIB Coordinator as a team when visiting electors at their homes. Duties include scheduling, visiting electors in their home or in residential care centers with write-in ballot kits and ensuring a smooth and confidential voting process for each elector. Hours vary depending on the district in which you are working and the number of electors requiring write-in ballots for voting.

Assistant Write-in-Ballot Coordinator
The assistant to the write-in ballot coordinator assists the WIB Coordinator with coordinating visits to residential care centers as well to the homes of individual electors who may not be able to travel to a polling location. Your focus will be ensuring that electors who otherwise would not be able to vote are given the opportunity to cast a ballot using a write-in ballot kit. Hours will vary depending on the district in which they are working and the number of electors requiring write-in ballots for voting.

Deputy Returning Officer (DRO)
A Deputy Returning Officer also known as a DRO has very specific and important duties. These include providing ballots to electors and witnessing the ballots being deposited into the ballot box. The DRO alone is responsible for the ballots and the voting procedure. On election day, the DRO can expect to work an average of 13 hours.

Poll Clerk
The poll clerk is likely the first voting official an elector will meet when they arrive to vote. Duties include greeting and ‘processing’ electors and ensuring they have the documentation required to be issued a ballot by the DRO. The Poll Clerk’s priority is to help, document and guide an elector through the check-in process to ensure a smooth-running poll. On election day, the Poll Clerk can expect to work an average of 13 hours

Other positions possibly available during a provincial election are:

  • Presiding Officer
  • Ballot Box Courier
  • Information Officer (available for youth ages 16-18 year of age and non-citizens that are eligible to work in Canada)
  • Constable

Inclusive Opportunities

At Elections Nova Scotia, our vision is to excel in the delivery of fair and inclusive elections. We are committed to creating an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive. Underserved voter communities with physical/mental disabilities, racialized/Indigenous, students, LGBTQ2S+ and Acadian backgrounds, and New Canadians eligible to work in Nova Scotia are encouraged to apply for election worker positions.

For more information, please see our shareable poster. If you have questions, concerns or applications related to inclusion, diversity, equity and access, contact our outreach liaison team at IDEAS@electionsnovascotia.ca. For applications for inclusive employment opportunities, please email IDEAS@electionsnovascotia.ca with your name and electoral district as the subject line, to be connected with your returning office.

General election worker inquiries that do not require inclusive accommodations must be sent to returning officers directly. Information on how to reach your returning office is available at the top of this page. Please do not sent general election worker inquiries to the IDEAS email.

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