Media Release: May 16, 2024
Elections Nova Scotia – Voters in Pictou West who have applied to vote by write-in ballot for the by-election are reminded to return their completed ballot to be counted. To count in the by-election, all completed write-in ballots must be received by 8 pm on election day, Tuesday, May 21, 2024.
Voters can return their completed write-in ballot in-person to the returning office, 49 Pine Tree Road, or have an agent return it on their behalf.
When a voter applies for a write-in ballot, they must vote by that method instead of in-person at a voting location.
Applications for write-in ballot for the Pictou West by-election can still be made in-person or by agent through the returning office. The deadline to apply for a write-in ballot in person or by agent is 3 pm on election day, Tuesday, May 21, 2024. All completed write-in ballots must be received by 8 pm on election day to count in the by-election.
The returning office can also arrange to have a write-in ballot team visit a voter at home.
An agent is someone who is 18 years or older that can act on behalf of an eligible voter. They can assist the voter to apply for a write-in ballot and can return the completed write-in ballot for that voter.
Voters in Pictou West that have questions about the by-election can call the returning office at 1-888-575-8901.
Elections Nova Scotia is a non-partisan and independent agency responsible for conducting provincial elections. For more information, please visit or follow us on Facebook and X (Twitter) @electionsns.
Media Contact:
Naomi Shelton
Director, Policy and Communications
Elections Nova Scotia