How it Began, How it Evolved is a valuable teaching tool and learning resource. This 68‐page booklet was written to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of parliamentary democracy in Canada. It tells about Nova Scotia’s remarkable past. It also tells about how today’s governments are elected, the role of the Cabinet and opposition parties, how laws are passed, and a lot more. It was Nova Scotia that laid the foundations upon which all governments in Canada were built, and many beyond. These foundations were the starting point for the institutions that guarantee many of our rights and freedoms today.
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A brief review of democracy in Canada with focus on Nova Scotia. The articles in the newspaper will provide the background necessary to complete the crossword puzzle.
DownloadThe province is currently divided into 55 electoral districts that elect one Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) each. Ask students to find their electoral district on the map. Next colour the electoral districts according to the colour associated with the political party of the MLA – orange, red, blue. The ambitious with access to the Internet can finish colouring the map with the appropriate colour for each electoral district. Which is the smallest electoral district by area? The largest? With research: Which is the smallest by population? The largest?